The other day a friend came up to me and told me he finally deleted his Friendster account. I don't blame him... for a couple of reasons:
1. Facebook
2. If you're from Malaysia, it's in Malay... whether you like it or not. =___=. (sure you can change it to English, but it will change back to Malay again)
4. Weird people seem to be adding me o_o.. Like Coco.. or Samual De'Lozo or someone like that.
5. Weird adverts and spam
6. It's so.. not "in" anymore.
7. The interface just plain suck.
However, most people would forget the one thing that made Friendster what Friendster was, and why we cherished it so much in the past. Those little testimonials that friends write to us. Those things people write to you about how cool you were, how fun, how kind, or sentences that started off with "I remember when him and I...". Those are words that you could never get back if you delete them.
But if you do, do try to get past all the gliterry testimonial spams and find those that are filled with meaning. It's sometimes nice to read nice things people say about you. It's not vain... don't worry. =P. Try it! It's worth it. You'll get a good smile on your face when you read them. How young we were then, and how we have created a mental-wall in front of us to not say those "childish" things anymore.
Here are a few good ones from mine! Sorry if it's embarassing for some of you! =P
TaNiA (before we were together)
11/30/2004 12:07 pm
here goes...Happy Birthday to You,
Happy Birthday to You, Happy Birthday
to ALVIN... Happy Birthday to You!! has finally out from the
teens...20 liaw wor (30 November
2004). here's my pressie for u...a
testimonial...haha. i knew vin
somewhere last yr but only got to know
him well enough this yr. alvin's a cute
guy...he's round, looks good enough to
hug and squeeze but never dare to try it
on's a great fren to have,
he's rather lame and he humours me
lots. he enjoys looking for frens to keep
him away from loneliness and
darkness. he visits my house in miri
often. he comes to use my toilet n later
heads to my fridge and sticks his head
in it while he scavenge for food. vin's
motto: "thy shall consume while thou
shall look upon"...hehe. anyway, vin's a
great fren, a good company to have. all
the best to u...remember me always.
quack quack~ cheers, aH duCkie =)
05/16/2004 2:44 pm
Alvin has a heart of gold, people mess
up his house, leave beer cans piling
in his room, pieces of lasagne on the
floor, snore his room to bits, and
he's still smiling, I feel bad man.
I've known him since I was 15, that
would be like what, 6 years? well time
flies, and in that time I've seen
alvin grow from a relatively shy boy
into a man with touches of shyness.
He's fair with big drooping shoulders
like that roswell guy whats his face.
Used to enjoy the times we spent
hanging out at his house, playing his
ps2, didnt get to do much of that this
holiday unfortunately, next time round
gonna stay longer so we can hang out
properly. God bless always,n always be
who you are ;)
04/17/2004 11:10 am
Alvin - known him thru ChristTeens.
Alvin has been a great friend - very
helpful, very nice, very cooperative.
Good with games (always ask him to
help with the CSS games :>)
Know him as Jolly Alvin - he's also
always smiling bah.....hmmm just want
to wish you all the best with your
studies and may God bless you in all
your Godly pursuits :)
04/11/2004 3:19 pm
another m_PeR0r member....remember the
fun we had at cyberstation down at
bintang there..hehe....good old
days...wish we could go thru that one
more time...alvin's a very nice guy,
he can be a good listener if u have
probs but i rarely ask him to listen
to me coz he thinks i crap too
much....i think all my frens think i
crap too
anyways...catch you soon, lim teh
2getehr with loke they all la!
Teck Wei
03/29/2004 9:03 pm
Alvin someone who always "pang sat",
someone who always like to "jio" people
but at the end still lose to people
hhaha actually, we juz know each other
not long ago, yet both of us still can
talk a lot of things hahah maybe both
of us ve the same hobby that is "EAT"!
Anyway, he is a nice guy and i m proud
to know him :)
02/05/2004 2:39 am
He was born in the matrix. He could
change the matrix in any way he wants
or see fit. It was he who released the
early few of us and revealed to us the
real world. The Oracle predicted for
his return and that it will hail the
end of the War and of the Matrix.
10/27/2003 6:47 am
vin! hmmm..first met u as falcon!cs
sniper,wif the whole linkun gang..tho
we met during the orientation day at
the beach..sorry, forgot! :$ i remember
vaguely,does tat count? :P but i've
told u all tat before,rite? so..bout
vin, he's a nice guy! really..he
brought me out to eat when i was half-
starved!hehe..remember the time we went
wif james to pizza hut,n the waitress
was like "how many ppl eating?" cos we
ordered so much? hahaha..tat was
great,im so proud i finished my share!
haha..extra cheese too :) n the times
ah cup, me n "fiona" were chatting?
intro-ed u to lotsa guys..who totally
fell for the hot babe! hahaha..
hmmm..but he gets impatient really
fast, n there was also this time he
accused me of "using" him! :( buek~~
haha..jus tellin it as it is,no
offense,ya? anyway i do treat u as a
fren!hehe.. thanks,vin!
HuiLin Leona
11/26/2003 4:23 am
kwan tzen yet, alvin -- 7D2A0821,
841130-13-****, mirian, sarawakian,
pure patriotic malaysian, ex
josephian, curtinian, self-named
Falcon ^_^ , proud owner of KWAN
bookstore miri (imperial mall), owner
of PSII & big big TV, driver of a dark
blue wira QMB 8027 (some super durable
car that survives from scratches/dents
even after the harsh driving of the
reckless owner who goes over curbs &
fly over bumps i.e. senadin bumps),
proud bearer of the surname "KWAN"
(ancestors must be laughing away there
as a result of overhappiness hahha),
father-to-be of Kwan Tung Mien, bajio
keh, sensitive boy, self claimed 'keh
si' (oh really? hehhe), boy with
resistance to change, friendly?, kiasu
cin cin (wouldn't even give way to
girls!), really helpful?, hardworking,
messy boy, kinda religious, banana
chinese, flirty, kuai cai, pan sat
boy, pan ke ai boy, lil bro of 2 sis,
etc. etc.
10/25/2003 12:33 am
Alvin! of the oldest friend i've
known..and perhaps the oldest friend i
still keep in touch with more
actively....thanks for letting me stay
at ur place during my trips to
miri...but in return, u should thank me
for the company? hehehe....haf known
him since primary 1 though we weren't
in the same class..but first got to
know during catechism in primary 1!
He's quite good in writing poems
too...especially the *purple rose of
eden* one....that's a classic! anyway,
hope to see u end of this year I feel vain..LOL but anyway... if you do find yourself in the gutter, log on to your "mouldy and cob-webbed" Friendster account (according to Janeh =P), and just take a read! Cheers!